Pricing starts from 400 and then depends on the size ordered.
Landscape "Horses in sunset" is an oil painting, unframed with the edges painted edges, 100 % handmade hand-painted, one of a kind by Gaya Kairos will enhance your interior or will make a great gift.
Decorating your interior with an original artwork and it will give a joy to you and your family for years to come. Paining will come wired and ready to hang ( see size instructions). The watermark with the artist's name on the front will not be visible on the actual artwork.Although the actual painting pictured has been sold I would be happy to paint it again for you. Paintings that are 9 x 12, 12 x 16 , 16 x 20 inches are on stretched canvas. 16 x 24 is not stretched, bur 2 inches is left on each side so you can have it stretched in your local framing store. Larger canvases are shipped in a tube for easier shipping and saving cost, that is passed on to the customer! Please ask me if you need a bigger size than I have here, it can be done!
Your painting will be created in a the same style, and you can choose size and color. After you order is placed, I will start to create your painting within 1-3 days. I will finish it within 5-7 days. Then, I will send you an image of the painting for your acceptance.
Feel free to ask for a specific size or any color adjustment. I will make a custom-made painting for you in any color and size. In the process of creating your custom ordered original artwork, I will show you step by step process in photos, so you can give me your feedback, if you want to have anything changed. Only when you are completely satisfied with your custom ordered painting, I will ship it to you!
Materials: stretched canvas,oil paint
Shipping: Wrapped and shipped in bubble wrap for protection. Shipped with tracking.Please note that the colors in the picture may vary slightly, depending on your monitor settings.
Please contact me, if you have any questions.
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Art Gallery
Guadalupe Sanchez #662
+52 322 231 15 76
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